Self-defense Koroho Osaka / Hyogo / Tokyo
International Federation of Martial Arts and Culture
Japanese Armor Battle Nokai
Practical self-defense
Inquiries / membership application
International Federation of Martial Arts and Culture

Super Self-defense KOROHO is simple and easy to learn.
Super self-defense KOROHO has been well publicized in televisions, newspapers, and magazines.
We have held many seminars in Japan and foreign countries. KOROHO has been studied and used by the French National Special Police (Gendarmerie) in south France and Krav Mage (Self-defense) instructors in Italy.There is also a KOROHO Federation in Europe.
KOROHO is practical, simple and easy to learn, so students include not only policemen, military men, bodyguards and martial artists, but also the general public.
In today's life, most of criminals use some type of weapon (knife, gun, stick, etc).
Most of today's martial arts set the sport as the main goal.
Even if you practice martial arts for many years, it is very difficult to protect yourself from an assailant's sudden attack with a weapon.
The KOROHO system is easy and quickly learn. KOROHO employs mainly high speed and simple movements to guard against a sudden attack by using basic human instincts and reflexes.
So, even if you do not have strength or a big body, you can defend yourself from an assailant.
Representative: International Martial Arts & Culture Federation
Grand Master of Super Self-defense KOROHO
15th of Grand Master of Mondo Ryu Heiho (Traditional Martial Arts)
Shigeo OOMAE
Honorary advisor: International Martial Arts & Culture Federation
Ex- Vice Minister Ministry of Defense
International Martial Arts & Culture Federation
This federation is a "NPO" official organization which received authorization of the government.
International Martial Arts & Culture Federation is polyclonal of a members and the instructors of Koroho and members and the instructors of Mondo Ryu, but also instructors of other martial arts.
Master Masashi YOKOYAMA was born to a family of martial arts experts.
At a young age he was taught a very traditional Japanese martial arts which came from the Banshu Region of Japan.
This martial arts called "Mondo Ryu Heiho", which consists of the study of Jujutsu, Kenjutsu (swordsmanship), etc.
It was originally consigned to the group of the vanguard Samurai during the civil war era. It was valued for its efficiency in battle.
Now, he has got a title of 15th Grand master of Mondo Ryu Heiho.
When he was young, he practiced Karate, Chinese martial art, and swordsmanship.
He had been in many foreign countries (South-east Asia, China and Europe) for the promotion of the international exchange.
At that time, he had some dangerous experiences.
Using his experiences in the martial arts, he developed his own style, a marriage between efficiency and simplicity, which he called KOROHO.
This word, which can be translated as "to continue to move forward with a pure soul".
He has desire to improve martial art techniques by adapting them to reality.
This contemporary method of self-defense quickly came to the attention of the police forces in many different countries, many of whom asked Master YOKOYAMA to come and teach seminars in his style to their elite forces.
KOROHO style is based on human instinct through the acquisition of simple techniques,
You can react in the face of aggression.
Thanks letter from Mayor of Nice, France
From the Commander of security force of France National Army Police (Gendarmerie)


I am writing to thank you for the various courses of KOROHO that you have taught in France.
Upon taking the courses, the participants and I were able to appreciate your teaching and the effectiveness of your method of self-defense. Members of the police forces present at these courses were impressed by the simplicity and the realism of the demonstrated techniques and in particular the techniques of defense against armed attackers.
I believe that your methods are very adaptable to police work not merely because of their effectiveness but also because of the ease in which these techniques can be employed.
I wish to again have the pleasure of practicing with you and hope you will accept my heartfelt thanks.

Words of gratitude from a public human rights center:
Dear Master Yokoyama,
I would like to express my gratitude to you for your six-class course in Super Self-defence Koroho. You and your team of instructors did an excellent job, and the students found both the teaching methods and practical exercises very helpful, detailed and easy to understand. I am pleased to tell you that the course ended on a high note!
Finally, I would like to wish you and all your instructors of Super Self-defense Koroho continued success in the future. I hope that your method of self –defence continues to get the public attention it deserves as one of the most practical, easiest to understand and effective forms of self-defence.
Please find below the results of the questionnaire given the students yesterday at the completion of the course.
Public Human Rights Center: Result of Student Questionnaire, Super Self-defence Koroho.
(12 of 14 persons answered)
--Content of the course: Good: 12, Average: 0, Below Average: 0
--Instructors: Excellent: 12, Average: 0
--Class Atmosphere: Good: 10, Average: 2
Students' Impressions:
--I would like to learn more. I'm eagerly awaiting the opportunity to participate in the next session.
--I enjoyed taking part in this course, as it dealt effectively with the dangers of day-to-day life.
--There were many practical exercises. Methods of self –defence against sudden attacks in a corridor, in a tight space, at a corner or blind spot were all very helpful and informative.
--As the Master is an excellent teacher, the course was easy to understand.
--I'm sure all instructions the Master gave us will help us deal with emergency situations. The program made me reflect on my life, as I've always lived without a real understanding of potential dangers.
--The guidance was excellent. I used to believe that self-defense techniques would be difficult to perform and understand, but thanks to the instructors' easy methods, I could easily learn the material. All the instructions were practical and focused on situations one might encounter in one's daily life.
A. Miwa
Remerciements par un center public des droits de l'homme:
Cher Maître Yokoyama,
Nous vous remercions pour votre cours d'initiation au Koroho qui a duré six jours. C'était vraiment un excellent travail que vous et vos moniteurs avez réalisé! faciles à comprendre. Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer que le cours a eu un grand succès!
Nous vous souhaitons donc à tous, Maître Yokoyama et tous les membres Koroho, bonne continuation et succès. Nous souhaitons aussi que la métho de Koroho, l'une des meilleures et la plus facile à pratiquer dans l'art de se déf ..
Veuillez trouver ci-dessous le résultat du sondage effect ué auprès des participants hier à la fin du cours:
Center public des droits de l'homme: résultat du sondage sur le cours Koroho, l'art de se défendre
(12 réponses sur 14 personnes)
--Contenu du cours: Bon: 12, Moyen: 0, Mauvais: 0
--Moniteurs: Excellents: 12, Ordinaires: 0
--Ambiance: Bonne: 10, Moyenne: 2
Impressions par des participants:
--Je voudrais l'apprendre encore. J'ai envie de participer à la prochaine séance.
--Étant conforme aux nécessités de la vie quotidienne, le cours était très instructif.
--Les exercices étaient pratiques et informatifs: métho des contre agressions inattendues dans un couloir, un espace limité, au coin de la rue ou dans l'angle mort, etc.
--Le Maître étant excellent dans la formation, le cours était très facile à apprendre.
--Je suis sûr que toutes les informations par le Maître sont très utiles en cas d'urgence. Le cours m'a amené à faire un retour sur moi-même; du danger.
--La formation était excellente. Personnellement, j'avais pensé que l'art de se défendre me serait difficile à pratiquer et apprendre. Mais grâce aux moniteurs et à la simplicité de la méthode, je suis arrivé à l'apprendre. étaient conformes aux possibles agressions dans la vie quotidienne.
A. Miwa
--Authorized instructors -

International trademark, KOROHO
Authorized instructor of KOROHO
“KOROHO” is a trademark registered in Japan and in the process of futher registration according to Madrid Protocol for services such as tutoring of, planning and implementing seminars regarding self-defense and / or martial arts techniques, and any use of a name, logo , mark or character which is the same with or similar to “KOROHO” in connection with registered services is strictly prohibited by laws of Madrid Protocol member countries and may incur civil and / or criminal trademarks.
Accordingly, establishing and maintaining a training center (Dojo) is only permitted to an authorized instructor of KOROHO registered in IMCF Japan Head Office, on condition that
1) any authorized instructor who wishes to establish a training center shall obtain a written certificate signed by Masashi Yokoyama and properly sealed by IMCF Japan Head Office prior to establishing thereof,
2) said certificate shall be renewed each year and
3) said certificate shall always be held in a manner conspicuous to each trainee and / or participant. Any activities, even if they are privately held, to tutor and / or practice KOROHO are allowed only when they are supervised by one or more authorized instructors or assistant instructors of KOROHO, reported to and approved by IMCF Japan Head Office via e-mail in advance thereof.
Following is a list of authorized non-Japanese KOROHO instructors and assistant instructors (their nationalities in parenthesis):
KOROHO est une Marque internationale.
KOROHO est une marque de commerce enregistree au niveau international.
Nul ne peut utiliser un nom et une marque KOROHO sans la permission du bureau IMCF au Japon.
IMCF Japan bureau: International Martial Arts & Culture Federation
3 F Daiwa batiment, 5-6 Kokubu-Cho, Tenoji-Ku, Osaka, Japon. 543-0044.
E-mail E-mail
Instructeur KOROHO autorise: Seul un instructeur membre est autorise.
A enseigner le KOROHO.Nul ne peut enseigner le KOROHO sans etre Membre instructeur autorise.
Toute personne qui veut enseigner le KOROHO doit avoir obtenu la ceinture noire KOROHO et etre affilie en qualite d'instructeur reconnu de IMCF (bureau du Japon).
Adhesion annuelle par renouvellement de votre inscription. Assistant instructeur KOROHO:
Un pratiquant non ceinture noire, membre IMCF, peut agir comme assistant instructeur.